I-Ching bonsai pots

I-Ching bonsai pots

Recently, at Doncaster Bonsai Experience I had the pleasure of handing over a couple of commissioned pots to Alex from European Bonsai Potters Collective. The design is based partly on pots by Heian Kazan, but mostly on old Chinese containers that reference the I-Ching, an ancient method of divination, where the randomness of coin tosses or thrown sticks provide a 'reading'.

Original I-Ching design

Original I-Ching design, hexagram 11, T'ai / Peace


Whilst I'm not superstitious, I do believe in the power of reflection and visualisation, which is how I think of the I-Ching, a tool for self-reflection. As part of the commission, I asked Alex to throw a coin 3 times, and I did the same, to generate a new hexagram.


I-Ching design two

I-Ching pot two, Hexagram 13, T'ung Jen / Fellowship


Hexagram 13, T'ung Jen, which is the result of those coin throws is about fellowship, leadership within a group, and also how you find your identity in a social group. It seemed almost too perfect a match as a first commission for Alex and the EBPC.


I-Ching pot three.

I-Ching pot version three


The third version was a chance to change the clay a bit and refine the design, by carving deeper at the edges I found I could darken the shadows, adding some subtle drama. I was also keen to add a slight internal lip, you find this on almost all Japanese pots.

Thanks for reading about my recent exploits, I hope you enjoyed it.


I-Ching pots stacked

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